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A Wealth Manual For The Middle Class

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"FINANCIAL FREEDOM" Exposes the Myths that keep you from getting ahead!  Understand these myths and follow the Step-by-Step Plan and You WILL Achieve Wealth! Americans have been slaves to the myths supported by the financial industry long enough.  Anyone can achieve a wealthy lifestyle once they understand the real truth.   These myths have robbed the American public of billions of dollars over the years.   Are YOU one of the victims?  98% of Americans retire broke!  Don't let it happen to you.

Summary Table of Contents Page # 3


Chapter 2 - Fundamental Rules of Investing  

            Before you fully appreciate this plan and put it to maximal use, you must understand some fundamental concepts of "successful investing."  Successful investing does not include such things as winning a lottery or a lucky pick of a stock or mutual fund, whether you or your broker chose it.  Even in the case where you chose a stock, futures commodity, or whatever, based on a trend or some set of indicators, it is still a stroke of luck if you make even a moderate profit over the short term since these securities depend on so many things, including the emotions of the masses. 

You Must Have Control:

            To be a successful investor, you must have significant amount of control over your investment.  To illustrate this point, consider buying shares of a specific stock versus buying shares of a mutual fund (mutual funds are discussed in more detail in appendix F).  Assume you owned shares in a mutual fund and the whole market drops 100 points.  As a result the value of your shares drops as well.  You have two choices:  (1) Sell at a loss, or (2) wait it out.    If you decide to ride out this swing in value and hold your shares, two forces are working against you.  First, many shareholders will make the emotional decision to sell which decreases the demand for the shares and hence decreases the value further.  Furthermore, the fund manager is under a great deal of pressure to sustain a decent rate of return for his fund.  So, he may sell the stocks that dropped in value, throwing away the chance that the stock values may recover.  If you had purchased the stock directly, then you could analyze the situation and decide if you wanted to sell at a loss or wait for a recovery by holding onto it.  Clearly, in this case, you have more control even though you still do not have control of the overall economy and stock market.  Of course, in exchange for this control, you have to invest your time to select the stock and then monitor its performance.  Every investment specified in this plan gives you a much greater degree of control than any of the investments mentioned thus far.


            If you choose to violate the rule "to invest only in investments in which you have a high degree of control," then you must rely on diversification to protect you against the risk of changes in the economy.  For example, you need to have a mixture of stocks for capital growth;  stocks, bonds, and/or CDs for income; bonds for protection against falling interest rates; commodities, such as gold and silver or real estate, as a hedge against inflation; cash securities for liquidity; etc.  In addition, how you should proportion your assets among these categories changes with your age, working status, and comfort level of risk.  As you can see, this can get very complicated, and there are no guarantees.  Since this book only recommends investments for which you maintain control, diversification among these types of investments will not be discussed in great detail in this book. 

            Though diversification is important for protection, there are many disadvantages in diversifying.  As previously mentioned, it can get very complicated when you consider that you have to choose the best mix of investments for you and your situation, carefully make intelligent choices of the securities you buy, and then consistently monitor them.  Furthermore, you can not make a lot of money quickly or even consistently, unless you have a lot to invest in the first place or you are willing to borrow a lot of money.  In fact, many of the categories tend to oppose one-another.  As one category increases in value as a response to the economy, another loses some of its value.  Moreover, with a mediocre performance at best, it is easy for the busy middle class worker to lose interest and not invest or track his investments consistently.  Finally, it may become too complex and detailed  for the busy middle class worker to track his investments at all. 

            If you choose an investment(s) for which you have enough control, you can afford to relax the need for diversification to a certain extent.  Thus, by concentrating your time, attention, and resources on one or two things you can control, you will realize several benefits.  First, you reap rewards much faster than trying to build in several different directions at once.  For example, if you

have ten things to do in one day, should you try to do everything at the same time?  Of course not!  It is much more efficient to prioritize all ten tasks, and completely finish the highest priority task first.  Then complete the second task, then the third, etc.  For this strategy, this book has prioritized your investments for you.  The Stoker Strategy identifies the tasks, puts them in order, and shows you how to determine the schedule for the completion of the task.  Essentially, this plan has laid out a pathway to a better life, at least financially, for you.  Furthermore, since you will have a great deal of control in whether you succeed or not in each investment, it is not likely that you will lose interest in your investment.  You only need to maintain a bit of discipline.  In fact, the first major investment is the hardest to complete;  once you get through it, the follow-on investments could be put on auto-pilot more or less.  To summarize, by using the Stoker Strategy, you can afford to put all your eggs in one basket.  Then hold onto that basket with both hands.  Another benefit of this philosophy is that you will see significant results quickly.  This factor is critical to maintain your motivation for this investment.  


1.  You must have control of your investment to maximize your chances of success.

2.   If you relinquish control of your investments, diversify.

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FINANCIAL FREEDOM: A Wealth Manual For The Middle Class
Written by:  Dr. Bryan Stoker 

"FINANCIAL FREEDOM" is provided online as a free reference. You can also download your own copy of the entire book today using the "Buy Now" or "Get It Free" links above. 

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ISBN  0-9639863-8-4:  $14.95 Softcover

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