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A Wealth Manual For The Middle Class

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"FINANCIAL FREEDOM" Exposes the Myths that keep you from getting ahead!  Understand these myths and follow the Step-by-Step Plan and You WILL Achieve Wealth! Americans have been slaves to the myths supported by the financial industry long enough.  Anyone can achieve a wealthy lifestyle once they understand the real truth.   These myths have robbed the American public of billions of dollars over the years.   Are YOU one of the victims?  98% of Americans retire broke!  Don't let it happen to you.

Summary Table of Contents Page # 2


*  What do you want and when?


            If you do not know what you want, how will you know when you have got it?  By identifying what you want and when you want it, you set your brain in motion to figure out how to get it.  Chapter four discusses this topic in more detail.


*  Why do you want it?


            To achieve something inevitably requires that you sacrifice something else whether that something else is time, money, or whatever.  To stay motivated until you reach the desired end, you must know WHY you want something.  Knowing "the why" keeps you going when the going gets rough.  Chapter four discusses this topic in more detail.


*  How are you going to get it?


            You must have a method to reach your dreams or nothing ever happens.  Maybe your method is to go back to school for special training, or to get a second or third job, or even the strategy presented in this book.  Whatever method you choose, you must also put it in action or nothing happens.


*  What are you willing to give up to get it?


            As mentioned above, you generally have to sacrifice something to get something.  For example, if you plan to give up eight hours per week for some purpose and you are married, make the decision to invest eight hours every week, and get your family to understand your dream and to accept that you will not be available for UP


TO eight hours per week.  Also, make sure that you rarely, if ever, invest more than eight hours per week, or you are likely to run into major family problems.  One additional hint, estimate the amount of time you think you will need to invest in your venture, and double it!


            The "get-rich-quick" schemes may work if you stick with them, but if you are a typical member of the middle class, at least one person in your family has a good, full-time job paying a fairly comfortable salary.  Thus, the typical middle-class family does not have the extra time and energy to implement these schemes.  Also, time away from work is precious to the working classes. 

            As a result, the middle class typically turns to investments such as stocks, bonds, futures, etc. assuming they have any money to invest in the first place.  Each of these investments has its advantages and disadvantages.  However, the big disadvantage of this sort of investment is that you do not really have control of the results.  You may occasionally hear about someone  that bought and sold the right stock at the right time and made lots of money overnight.  Unfortunately, that is rarely a case of good planning;  in most cases, they just got lucky.  Even the professional fund managers who manage millions, and sometimes billions, of dollars full-time can not guarantee a good return, or even a profit.  You may say you still have money markets, treasury securities, and certificates of deposits (CDs), which is true, but you still have to contend with taxes, and only mediocre profits.

            So far it looks grim for the middle class, but don't worry, it gets worse;  for every dollar you earn, you not only pay income tax, but you pay social security tax as well for the first $55,000 to $65,000 you earn.  However, this book DOES provide a plan where you have control over your investments; YOU determine how quickly you achieve the lifestyle you deserve.  Briefly stated, the desirable features of investments for the middle class are the following:

*  Little or no income or social security tax on profits


*  Guaranteed profits

*  Control of the investment results

*  Immediate results

*  Provides desired lifestyle within predictable time frame regardless of the economy

*  Adaptable to changes in family and financial situations

*  Little or no time  investment required of the investor

*  Little or no risk of loss

*  Start and stop (and re-start if you like) any time you want

*  Requires small initial investment


Fortunately, an investment, or rather a series of investments, does exist that has all of these features.  Even though the Stoker Strategy has practically-guaranteed, predictable returns, it is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme, and it does take time to get to the end goal.  The amount of time it takes to get there depends on each family's situation and decisions.  Even if you only use the techniques discussed for a limited time, you will be in much better condition financially, than if you had never started. 

            As previously stated, this strategy practically guarantees wealth as described above, and it will open the door to wealth that you may have thought could never happen to you.  However, this plan can only work for you if you read the whole book and start following its recommendations, and the sooner you start, the better off you will be.  So, let's get started ....


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FINANCIAL FREEDOM: A Wealth Manual For The Middle Class
Written by:  Dr. Bryan Stoker 

"FINANCIAL FREEDOM" is provided online as a free reference. You can also download your own copy of the entire book today using the "Buy Now" or "Get It Free" links above. 

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Publisher's Cataloging in Publication Data
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:  94-75447
ISBN  0-9639863-8-4:  $14.95 Softcover

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